Monday, November 20, 2006

BBC - Milk allergy in babies 'missed'

Cow's milk allergy in babies is being missed by doctors, a survey suggests.

Nearly 80% of 500 doctors polled by the medical taskforce Act Against Allergy thought their colleagues confused milk allergy symptoms with other conditions.

Fortunately Oliver seems OK with cow's milk. In fact he'll probably be off formula altogether in a couple of weeks. We've been reducing the amount of Aptamil 2 in his bottle. He's currently having 2 ounces of Aptamil in his 9 ounce bottle, the rest being cow's milk.

Of course he had a bad reaction to eggs at 6 months. Fortunately he seems better with them now. He has even had some boiled egg white after several months of gradually re-introducing food containing egg.

Milk allergy in babies 'missed'