Lucy and I went for a walk this afternoon. Oliver was asleep on the sofa and Hayley was feeling tired so I took the little lady out to try to help her have a nap.
Well, after we had got some shopping at Somerfield and then bought a trashy magazine for Hayley at Tesco, Lucy was still awake and we needed another destination towards which to walk. The obvious choice (to me anyway) was Room 311, where I enjoyed a swift half of Dublin's finest while the little lady chatted away to me.
From there we took a long stroll down to a local park where she finally nodded off, allowing me to head home. We were probably out for a good hour all in all. I returned home to find that in preference to sleep, Hayley had done a few jobs and then caught up on Eastenders. We then had all of 10 minutes of tranquility before the little man woke.
It's been a fun day. Last night Oliver slept badly and consequently so did we. We expected him to be a real grouch as a result, but surprisingly he's been pretty cheery and tantrum-free. All four of us went to Tesco for a late breakfast and some shopping, before a trip to the park and then a play-date with Jack at home. Oliver and Jack played happily and even spent quite a while sitting on the floor "reading " books to each other which was adorable to see. Oliver has been trying to become a bit of a TV junky recently so it was good to see him playing happily and not going mad when told we weren't putting the telly on! Then this evening he enjoyed the pizza I made him, read books with me and even got down unprompted at one point to give Lucy the toy she had inadvertently thrown out of her reach on the playmat. As he passed it back to her he said "Here you are. Now don't throw it Lucy. No.". He's a great big brother.