When I came home tonight I found Hayley had made some toys for Oliver. One was a shaker made from a Gravy Granules tin filled with a few, erm, well probably Gravy Granules. The other was simply the inside of a packet of Special K which crnkled and crackled in the hands. He was fascinated by the new sounds.
It brought home the fact that for all the fancy playmats and electronic swinging/vibrating chairs you can buy, a child will find lots of everyday things fascinating.
Hayley had a list of household objects for play that she had brought home from a 'new mothers' group. It included things like loofas, balls of wool, large pebbles and tennis balls. As I read it I felt a memory of my own childhood fascination with these objects start to surface.
And there i was thinking no further than an excuse to buy myself a playstation when my son arrived. Anyone with any sense would prefer a nice bath and a loofa.
Testing Diatomaceous Earth on Martians
1 year ago