It's always the same isn't it. No sooner have you managed to find one course of ante-natal classes than another one comes along.
In this case the course is the NHS Parent Craft course of classes. At our latest appointment with the midwife this morning she rang and discovered that there is space on these classes despite the fact we have consistently been told otherwise. So we are now quite relieved to have a choice of the NHS and NCT classes to choose from.
According to the midwife (actually there were three of them there this morning!) everything is on track and Jane (our regular midwife) made a point of telling Hayley that she is doing everything right. We heard the baby's heart beat again. This time it was a musically brisk 132BPM (beqats per minute). I found myself working out the heart rate by trying to think of a song that goes at around that tempo. (For the record, on this occasion I thought it was similar to an old DNA song called "Paul Lee" wheich was 130 BPM. Not far off then!)
One of the midwives measured the fundal height (which I think corresponds to the size of the uterus) and from that they predict the baby will be 7 pounds and 12 ounces.
Testing Diatomaceous Earth on Martians
1 year ago